Substituting fresh garlic with garlic powder in recipes

Almost in every country, both fresh garlic and garlic powder are available in good quantity. But there is situation sometimes when fresh garlic is not available in adequate amount for preparing any dish. Here you have to substitute fresh garlic with garlic powder to maintain same fragrance and taste in recipe.

Right amount of garlic powder

Are you confused about the actual amount that you can use for garlic powder in recipes? Technically, 1 fresh garlic clove is equal to 1/8th teaspoon of garlic powder. Now you will be pretty much sure how to use garlic powder adequately.


Granulated garlic

Please you have to be more focused if you are using granulated garlic instead of garlic powder. In this case, 1 fresh garlic clove is equal to 1/4th teaspoon of garlic powder.

Every time when you are using garlic powder or granulated, use it in the same ratio as discussed earlier. Longer preservation can destroy your dish. So granulated garlic and garlic powder should be used in proper ratio only.

What you should do when you have not garlic at all?

The above techniques were helpful in case of fresh garlic, garlic powder and granulated garlic. But what to do if you don’t have garlic available at all. Here you should use aromatic plants having same taste and benefits. These aromatic plants have medicinal benefits too.



So these aromatic plants are best substitute of fresh garlic in recipes. The stronger substitutes are shallots, onions, and garlic chives.